• pu
      24 gennaio 2014 - posted by Stefano Savoia

      Abstract – As regards architectural heritages, especially in historic cities, the level of knowledge becomes directly proportional to the possibility of management. The qualitatively larger and better capacity for acquisition of an in-depth cognitive structure, the easier and more efficient the possibility of better management of the architectural and historical asset. The affirmation, even in the recent past, of new methodologies and cognitive and elaborative technologies, involving the natural and artificial environment has also involved areas typical of architecture by evolving traditional systems and methods of representation. 

      category: PUBLICATIONS

    • pu
      28 agosto 2013 - posted by Stefano Savoia

      Abstract – Whereas, until fairly recently in the context of representation processes, the relational system between perception, elaboration and representation was perfected and completed through natural “intuitus” (physical environment) and human intelligence (perception and calculation), the dominant role taken, in terms of methodology and practice, by a third “virtual intelligence” derived from the contemporary evolution of post-industrial technologies such as electronics, informatics and telematics, has transformed the previous method of approach to the natural or built environment, as well as to design. 

      category: PUBLICATIONS
