My name is Michele Carradori and I work as researcher in BIS-lab (Building Innovation and Skills- Lab), Contec Group’s research laboratory. In BIS-lab I deal mostly with BIM (Building Information Modeling), trying to innovate the building process and introducing this new methodology in the different fields in which the Group and its companies are involved: from to design to field management, from health&safety to facility management.
My interest in BIM started in 2015, when I stayed in Denmark for six months developing my thesis project. Under the supervision of PhD. Eng. Carlo Zanchetta, from the University of Padua, prof. Jan Karlshoej, Head of Section in DTU (Danmark Tekniske Universitet) and chairman of BuildingSMART Nordic Chapter, and in collaboration with Permasteelisa, I developed a thesis focused on COBie. COBie (Construction Operation Building information exchange) is an American standard for information exchange between the Design & Construction phases and the Operational one, which introduced me in the study of what happens to buildings after their completion.
On 9 march 2016 I got my master degree in Building Engineering – Architecture at the University of Padua, with a thesis entitled “Delivery of COBie data; focus on curtain wall and building envelopes”. My studies on this topic gave me the opportunity to present a contribution at the 11th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling – ECPPM 2016, in Cyprus (here you can see the published article)
After graduation, I worked for two months as researcher in Permasteelisa, where I had the opportunity to go further with my research on BIM and COBie in particular.
In June 2016 I started my journey in the Contec Group, with the aim of driving research and innovation forward through BIS-lab.